Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Craft Hope

Looking for some ideas for crafting for charity? Have a look at

Monday, September 6, 2010

Starship quilts 2007

Applique blocks by members of Kiwiquilters. Completed by me, and donated to Starship Hospital, to be given to children in need.

Quilt pieced be me (applique blocks by the members of Kiwiquilters) and donated to Starship Hospital 2007

I'm back

Well this sounds daft, but I forgot my password and couldn't log in! Have now rediscovered my password - yipee!.
Found this fantastic site the other day with a great idea for converting adults t shirts into trousers or shorts for children - what a great idea for recycling, or for clothing kids on a budget.

Monday, January 18, 2010

QAYG - gone

Finally got all the QAYG blocks that I made last year sent to Jan Mac in Australia for the bushfire victims. Too late probably for last years, just have to be an early start on this years victims. Sadly the bushfires seem to happen every year. I have just made 8 small quilts 18" square to send to the NICU at Dunedin hospital. Used up lots of bits of flannel, so now I am going to make some more to give to Starship.